AR AIMS opens doors for all middle and high school students in Arkansas to reach their academic potential by offering premier teacher training and support to ensure teachers become more effective.
AR AIMS is dedicated to empowering students, teachers, and schools by providing the resources and support needed to achieve success in advanced placement exams. With a focus on math, science, and English, we aim to unlock the potential of every student, preparing them for college and career success.
Get to know the individuals behind Arkansas AIMS.
Director of Math Programs
Director of Finances
Program Administrative Assistant
Director of Science Programs
Director of English Programs
Executive Director
Booneville High School
Get to know the individuals behind Arkansas AIMS.
AR AIMS opens the door for all middle school and high school students in Arkansas to reach their academic potential by offering high quality, student centered teacher training and support to empower teachers to become more effective in advanced instructional methods and strategies.
The science hands-on workshop was informative, practical and incredibly helpful.
Southside Middle School Batesville
Fall conferences and mock readings help fill in the gaps with up-to-date, well-researched strategies to help in my classroom. Every year I add a few of those to my tool-box.
Gentry High School
I can honestly say as a science teacher for over 25 years, the AIMS initiative and its resources have been the most powerful tool I have used to better myself as a teacher.
Camden Fairview High School
AR AIMS has been a steady source of positive influence on my teaching for most of my 20+ year career.
Russellville High School
The entire Arkansas AIMS team has been instrumental in helping me help my students achieve their academic goals.
Little Rock Southwest High School
Teachers gain confidence in their ability allowing them to coach their students to produce better exam responses. The ultimate benefit goes back to the students.
Conway High School
Last year, 82% of my students earned college credit on the Lit exam. Their phenomenal success is due to the high quality training, resources, and support I have received from AIMS!
Sylvan Hills High School
Everyone was involved and motivated. Follow up on how to encourage all levels of student learning. One of the BEST inservice workshops I have had in my 34 years of teaching!
Bauxite High School
This workshop provided exactly what I needed, quality activities/lessons that were standard-aligned.
Bryant Junior HIgh
Every year I return to my school with strategies to help my students. An added plus is simply being with other English teachers to spur each other on.
Booneville High School
Because of the resources, the teachers, and the consultants that you have provided us, the students have gained so much and have had the opportunity to succeed.
Northwest Arkansas Classical Academy High School
Our presenter did a fantastic job! Really! He was on point and kept the pace moving at a productive pace. He was motivational, humorous, enlightening, and empowering.
Conway High School
AR AIMS is a valuable program that provides outstanding professional development and classroom resources which have helped me drive my instruction to serve my students better.
Genoa Central High School
Through AR AIMS, I have refined my instruction of close reading strategies, prompt deconstruction, competent thesis statements, and strong analytical commentary.
Benton High School
Arkansas Advanced Initiative for Math and Science, Inc., (AR AIMS), a non-profit organization affiliated with the National Math & Science Initiative, invites schools to request a partnership with Arkansas AIMS for content mentoring services and teacher support.