AP Resources

AP Resources

AR AIMS specializes in serving AP teachers across the state. Active school partners receive monthly consultant visits from our highly qualified professional science team. In addition, active school AP teachers receive a loaded Advanced Placement curriculum support site to help supplement their AP content needs.

If a school partners with AR AIMS for at least three years, it will receive maintenance status. AP teachers at such schools retain access to the resources as long as they attend a workshop (Fall AP Conference Workshop or AP Spring Mock Reading) every year. These sites contain teacher pacing help, Powerpoint presentations, student notes, videos, activities, labs, and student practice problems. Our AP curriculum support site users receive quarterly newsletters from our AP curriculum support site managers.  These newsletters contain valuable information about site updates and up-and-coming relevant content for the AP classroom teacher.

Each year, AR AIMS offers two AP® focus workshops specifically designed for Advanced Placement teachers; the AP Spring Mock Reading Workshop and the AP Fall Conference Workshop. We strongly encourage teachers to attend both workshops each year as we bring in highly sought-after field AP experts to facilitate the workshops.

Resource Examples

AP Biology

NMSI Materials
Activities to provide hands-on and student centered learning are available on the AP Chemistry site through our affiliation with the National Math and Science Initiative. 
AP Chemistry Integrated Rate Law Skill Builder

Laying the Foundation
Laying the Foundation Labs and Activities that correlate with the AP Chemistry Course and Exam Description are found throughout the AP Chemistry site. 
LTF Lab: Why Does Everything Happen

Scaffolding Activities
To help students process rigorous content in the AP classroom, we provide teachers with multiple resources to scaffold difficult materials as in this acid/base titration card sort. 
Titration Card Sort

AP Chemistry

NMSI Materials
Activities to provide hands-on and student centered learning are available on the AP Chemistry site through our affiliation with the National Math and Science Initiative. 
AP Chemistry Integrated Rate Law Skill Builder

Laying the Foundation
Laying the Foundation Labs and Activities that correlate with the AP Chemistry Course and Exam Description are found throughout the AP Chemistry site. 
LTF Lab: Why Does Everything Happen

Scaffolding Activities
To help students process rigorous content in the AP classroom, we provide teachers with multiple resources to scaffold difficult materials as in this acid/base titration card sort. 
Titration Card Sort
Cards for Card Sort

AP Environmental Science

Formative Assessments
Warm-ups, exit tickets, or quick formative assessments are provided on the AP Environmental Science site to give the classroom teacher a way to quickly assess student understanding or gauge student thinking as shown in this example: Dilemma Cards

Review Video Archive
As with other AR AIMS AP Google Sites, we have an archive of videos with every topic to help both teachers and students learn and review APES materials. 
APES Unit 4 Review

Hands-On Labs
Activities to provide hands-on and student centered learning are available on the AP Environmental Science site through our affiliation with the National Math and Science Initiative. 
NMSI Ecological Succession Lab   

AP Physics 1, 2 and C-Mechanics

AP Physics Labs and Activities
Activities to provide hands-on and student centered learning are available on the AP Physics site through our affiliation with the National Math and Science Initiative (NMSI).
Bernoulli’s Law Lab

Assessment Overviews
Assessment Overviews are provided for each AP Physics unit from NMSI.
SImple Harmonic Motion Assessment Overview 

Student Performance Tasks
Student Performance Tasks enhance the rigor of AP Physics and provide student-centered learning opportunities. 
Energy Performance Task